Monday, October 18, 2010

Joy D'Ashby speaks: Piles and Piles of Suitcases

Oh my! How did Sadie get so many? The pile is so high being overwhelmed is the best she can do. "Where do I start"? "Which one do I open first"? 

Sadie approaches the pile; the closer she gets the more emotional she becomes. "There is so much pain mixed with so much joy" she exclaims. A few cases are selected and set aside. Time to take a deep breath and see what's inside the few she has chosen. 

Memories, life experiences! This is all they are. Why be so afraid? Why be so angry? God is here, taking this journey and at times carrying all the hurt and pain.

Bread sacks! These weren't just any bread sacks, they were boots to keep Sadie and her brother and sisters feet dry. Rubber bands too, to hold them up. Sadie wrinkles her forehead. The memories are getting jumbled up as far as the time frame is concerned. She just remembers the house. Big, with a basement. Empty liquor bottles, no food and hand me downs. 

This suitcase seems like nothing more than a trash memory when a Bible is uncovered. Sadie grins. her brother pretended to be a preacher man. Cardboard pulpit, box for an altar, song service, and even an altar call.  Sadie's heart is tender to the day she is thinking about. Her brother at 10 or 11 years old preached a pretty good sermon and Sadie remembers praying to the cardboard alter and crying out to God to save her parents. They needed a Savior so badly. 

Sadie would cry many more tears for her loved ones to find salvation, both family and her husband who would choose to go a different path leaving her alone. Sadie closes the suitcase. She's done for now. Her reflection pointed out to her she manages to always find herself in relationships with people like her parents, somewhat self serving and unavailable to her when she really would need them. She is angry for not making better choices.

 Sadie is so grateful for the Bible in the case. It was a good find. A good memory since her brother became a full time pastor. She is intrigued by the only memories that seem to brighten her thoughts are directly connected to God  and church. 

Tomorrow is another day. Another suitcase will be opened and she will face the fears of this on head on. Sade behaves as if she knows the contents and it doesn't look like she's too excited to open it. 

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